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  3. Our Vision

Our Vision

Read more about our vision, our mission and our values at National Voices.

Making what matters to people matter in health and care

National Voices is the leading coalition of health and social care charities in England. We have more than 200 members covering a diverse range of health conditions and communities, connecting us with the experiences of millions of people. We work together to strengthen the voice of people: patients, service users, carers, their families, and the voluntary organisations that work for them.

Our Vision

People shaping their health and care.

Our Mission

We advocate for more equitable and person centred health and care, shaped by the people who use and need it the most.

We do this by:

  • Understanding and advocating for what matters to people especially those living with health conditions and groups who experience inequalities
  • Finding common cause across communities and conditions by working with member charities and those they support
  • Connecting and convening charities, decision makers and citizens to work together to change health and care for good

Our Values

We are…

  • Constructive – we help find credible solutions, not just describe problems
  • Curious – we don’t assume we know all the answers and are keen to learn
  • Connected – we lead by bringing people together, across sectors and conditions
  • Compassionate – we care about the people we work with and for, their rights and their hopes