Develop your co-production skills

We know that many people who design health and care services share our belief, but can experience barriers to putting this into practice – feeling distant from the communities who are least well served by services, facing challenges in shifting organisational culture, struggling to balance co-production with wider organisational pressures and much more.
At National Voices, our team brings decades of experience and expertise on how to meaningfully involve people with lived experience in decision making around health and care. We work closely with a community of Lived Experience Partners who hold valuable knowledge, insight, and skills about what it is like to use services and navigate their way within and between organisations.
We are here to help you strengthen your organisation’s approach to strategic co-production.
Voices for Improvement Coaching for Senior Leaders
We have developed a lived experience coaching model called ‘Voices for Improvement’ which equips people with lived experience of health conditions and inequality with coaching and mentoring skills that they then deploy in partnership with health and care leaders.
We can match senior leaders from your organisation with our Lived Experience Partners in thinking relationships where they will be supported to explore, reflect and learn about how to enact meaningful change through strategic co-production in their role.
Through these coaching relationships, senior leaders from your organisation can be supported to find new ideas and possibilities using a range of coaching skills – so they can think through resetting relationships, rebalancing power and its effects on health outcomes.
All our Lived Experience Partners have received training on how to bring their perspective and insights in a way that supports leaders to develop their personal and organisational practice.
Workshop: An Introduction to Co-Design and Strategic Co-Production
We understand that many teams at the start of their co-production journey value spending time together so that they can build understanding of what co-production is, what best practice looks like and exploring how they can apply co-production principles in their everyday work.
We can provide a uniquely supported and curated space for your team to:
- Build a better understanding of the key principles of strategic co-production with people with significant lived experience of health and care.
- Explore how user experience could be incorporated more consistently into design of health and care.
- Hear tangible examples of how co-production has been implemented and the impact it has had in other organisations.
- Make a space for reflection about the challenges your organisation faces around co-designing health and care with people who use it and how you can work together to overcome these.
The workshop will be led by two highly experienced facilitators who will bring a blend of Lived and Learned experience. The workshop will cover both the benefits and challenges of co-production. It is suitable for organisations at an early stage of their journey around co-production. The workshop works best with a minimum of six participants and a maximum of 20 participants. The workshop can be held online (lasting three hours) or in-person (running from 10:30-4:00pm). We can also take a bespoke approach according to organisational needs.
Co-Design and Strategic Co-production Clinic
We recognise that many organisations are further along on their journey with strategic co-production, but have faced specific challenges along the way.
We can provide a uniquely supported and facilitated space for your team to come together in a ‘clinic’ to discuss particular challenges or questions you are facing within your organisation, for example:
- How to involve diverse groups of people in strategic co-production.
- How to embed strategic co-production in senior decision making.
The focus of the clinic will depend entirely on the issues and challenges faced by your team. We would hold a series of 1:1 consultations with key people in your organisation, to help ‘diagnose’ the issue and understand what support is needed. We would then develop a plan for a facilitated ‘clinic’ session to unpack and address specific issues about co-design and strategic co-production in your organisation or team.
The clinic itself will be led by two highly experienced facilitators who will bring a blend of Lived and Learned experience. We will be joined by a small number of our Lived Experience Partners who have received training on how to bring their perspective and insights in a way that supports organisations to develop their practice.
The clinic will cover both the challenges you are facing in your team and will also seek to recognise where you have already made progress. This is suitable for organisations at any stage of their journey around co-production, however if you are at an early stage in your journey we would recommend undertaking our introductory workshop first.
This is best suited to a minimum of two and maximum of eight people. This fosters deep reflection and is co-facilitated in a way that moves participants to fresh action.
Developing and Strengthening Co-Production Skills Programme
Organisations who want to invest in development that evokes deeper learning and transformation in knowledge, skills, experience, attitudes, and behaviours are directed to this opportunity. It is perfect for organisations aiming to make a step change in their work with people with Lived Experience, particularly those interested in addressing health inequalities. This programme offers a minimum of five co-facilitated one day workshops to address the following aims:
- Equip your team to develop knowledge, skills, and experience to work with people who bring lived experience.
- Advance team understanding of what it takes to respectfully work with diverse groups of people who bring different resources to them and who hold no direct influence, power, or accountability in your organisation through courageous conversations about inequality.
- With input from the National Voices Lived Experience Partners, generate new knowledge and insights on three topics, issues or challenges identified by your organisation.
- Help the team scope out what options and resources are needed to embed the principle of working with people who bring lived experience especially those from marginalised groups who have experienced historic prejudice and harm in health and social care systems.
This programme includes support for sponsors and participants between workshops to facilitate preparation and reflection and optimise learning. It can be combined with one-to-one coaching with our Lived Experience Partners to further strengthen relational skills and to foster accountability for action.
Supporting you to recruit and develop your own community of trained Lived Experience Partners
We are open to considering requests for us to support you to recruit and develop your own community of Lived Experience Partners. Because of the unique nature of what each organisation needs and is looking to achieve, we take a bespoke approach to this which we would develop in conversation with you.
“I just wanted to put on record my personal thanks to Sandra for being my coach these past few months. I have enjoyed the sessions immensely, learnt a lot about myself and taken away some really useful approaches that I am using and adapting daily. I am so grateful to have been matched with Sandra – we have had very open, honest conversations, she put me at ease, always I felt so uplifted after the sessions, I have been listened to and reflected back some invaluable insights. Absolutely invaluable, please do pass on my thanks.”
Senior ICS Leader
Enquiry Form – learning packages
If you would be interested in finding out more about any of our learning packages, please fill out this enquiry form: