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May 22 2019

Putting people and communities at the centre: creating the 21st century model of care

A free to attend jointly hosted event by NHS England, Richmond Group of Charities and National Voices

  • Health inequalities
  • Person-centred care

The NHS Long Term Plan sets out an ambitious new model of care for the 21st century, with commitments to boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, dissolve the divide between primary and community health services, empower people and communities, and tackle health inequalities.

The event will bring together policy makers, patient groups, and local and national leaders from across the NHS, local government and the VCSE. The event will focus on what the NHS Long Term Plan means for people living with frailty or one or more long term conditions; and how we can come together across sectors to make a 21st century model of care a reality.

It will explore ‘what good looks like’ from a range of perspectives, including clinicians, providers and services users – including those most at risk of experiencing health inequalities or poor outcomes. Our guest speakers and workshop leads will share practical lessons learned from local systems and services already engaged in delivery, and present new research on what patients and the public really make of it all.  

National Voices members are invited to bring people with lived experience to the conference. Please email to discuss expenses and sign up instructions.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Mathew Winn, CEO of Cambridgeshire Community Services Trust
  • Professor Martin Vernon, National Clinical Director for Older People and Person Centred Integrated Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Anastasia Knox, Research Director, Britain Thinks
  • Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director, Age UK
  • Charlotte Augst, Chief Executive, National Voices