Webinar: Our role during Covid-19
- COVID-19
- Health inequalities
Here at National Voices we have been thinking about what small part we can play in the midst of this crisis.
As we continue with our projects, the stories we hear from people living with long term conditions bring home just how important our day job is; navigating health and care is hard at the best of times, but Covid-19 will be making this all the more difficult. People still need to access services which manage and treat their conditions, and in some cases the response to Covid-19 is impacting upon this; we want to help our members to tell these people’s stories, and to work together to raise these issues with decision makers in NHS England.
Join us this Friday at 11am for an online discussion to raise issues you have identified, and discuss how we can best highlight these issues. If you would like to contribute but are unable to join the webinar please email us membership@nationalvoices.org.uk
Draft agenda
- What small part can National Voices play in the midst of this crisis.
- During this period of Social Distancing and Self Isolating how can best support those who are not fluent in English or who face other communication and technology barriers.
- How we can emphasis the value of the lives of people with underlying health conditions. We must not let the system lose sight of the importance of their lives and well-being in the midst of dealing with this crisis.
- How best can we tell the stories of the most vulnerable during this crisis, and to work together to raise these issue with decisions makers in NHS England.
Please register for this webinar, and let us know if you have any questions: membership@nationalvoices.org.uk.