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February 13 2020

CEO Breakfast: Primary Care Reform

First of three CEOs breakfast meeting – Primary Care Reform National Voices is hosting a series of CEO breakfasts, bringing together senior leaders from across our membership to hear from interesting speakers and discuss pertinent issues over a coffee and croissant.

  • Primary care

When we asked what our member CEOs would like to discuss they told us Primary Care Reform was a priority. We will therefore focus our very first breakfast meeting on primary care, with two brilliant speakers: Nikki Kanani who leads primary care reform for NHS England and NHS Improvement, and Farzana Hussain, Clinical Director of an East London based Primary Care Network and GP in Plaistow.

Primary care reform is a priority for National Voices because it is here that the things that matter to our charity members and their beneficiaries can be implemented: person centred, coordinated care close to home; reducing health inequalities; and working with community and voluntary sector groups for better wellbeing outcomes.

The meeting will be a conversation between the attendees and speakers, chaired by our Chief Executive Charlotte Augst. No mater your level of knowledge about primary care reform we believe this meeting will be of interest to leaders of health charities.

* For CEOs and Directors of National Voices members only *