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National Voices responds to ‘Martha’s Rule’ roll out announcement

Jacob Lant, Chief Executive of National Voices, responds to the announcement that 'Martha's Rule' will be rolled out in hospitals across England from April.

  • Health inequalities
  • Communication and administration
  • Person-centred care

We hear from our members, over 200 health and care charities, about the impact of struggling to feel heard within one’s own care, or a family member’s care. We know, from the tragic case of Martha Mills, and others, that the consequences of this can be fatal.

We therefore welcome the implementation of ‘Martha’s Rule’ from April onwards and urge that it is implemented in a way that works for all, including those with protected characteristics or facing health inequalities.

It is imperative that patients, families and carers have their rights communicated to them effectively, in a way that suits them. For example, the right support must be provided for those who are Deaf or have hearing loss, and for people who do not speak English fluently.

With equitable roll out, we believe that ‘Martha’s Rule’ could have a significant and positive impact on patient safety and outcomes, and on how patients and their families feel about their involvement in their own treatment.

Jacob Lant, Chief Executive of National Voices