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NHS @ 75

We hosted a roundtable in May 2023 on what has worked well for patients and what could be improved as part of the NHS Assembly work to celebrate the NHS at 75.

  • Lived experience
  • Communication and administration
  • Primary care
  • Person-centred care
  • Health inequalities
  • Hospital waiting lists

In the run up to the 75th birthday of the NHS, National Voices, in partnership with Healthwatch England, was engaged by the NHS Assembly to develop insight into what has worked well for people using the NHS, and, as we look ahead to its future, what needs to be improved.  

50 members and people with lived experience attended a bespoke roundtable in May 2023 held to review how the health and care system has supported people across five key themes identified by the NHS Assembly. The themes were: prevention, personalisation, participation, primary and community care, partnerships. 

Impact of report

We are really pleased to say that the recommendations in our report influenced the direction and content of the final NHS Assembly report to ensure it focused on getting the basics right, such as improving access and communications for all. We were also pleased to see the NHS Assembly recommend using patient experience and outcomes as accountability measures, rather than just looking at the amount and timing of treatment delivered.