9 big shouts
- Communication and administration
- Health inequalities
This is a chance to have our voices heard. But it is not the first opportunity. For a year, from the White Paper onwards, we have been responding constructively to all government consultations, and arguing for changes to the Bill.
The aim of this paper, therefore, is to assist the Future Forum by summarising from those consultations the nine key demands made by the patient, service user and carer movement, and pointing the way to solutions. Our ‘big shouts’ are:
- Integration, integration, integration
- Right care, right place, right time
- Information and communication that work for us, now
- End paternalism
- No new lotteries – tackle inequalities
- Patients among a range of expert commissioners
- Proper governance and transparency
- Real involvement, with genuine influence
- Tell us when things go wrong
If you would like to read this response in an alternative format, please get in touch.