The Dr Will Zoom You Now: getting the most out of the virtual health and care experience
- The Doctor will Zoom You Now
- COVID-19
- Digital health and care
- Health inequalities
- Primary care
The project was led in partnership with Traverse, National Voices and Healthwatch England and supported by PPL.
The study engaged 49 people over 10 days (June 22nd – July 1st 2020) using an online platform, with 20 additional one to one telephone interviews. Participants were also invited to attend an online workshop on the final day of the study.
All participants had experienced a remote consultation during the lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote consultations took the form of telephone, video or text-based communication. Appointments were for GP, hospital outpatient, follow-up and mental health consultations. Recruitment of participants for the online platform was achieved through the Healthwatch network and one to one interviews through National Voices as an extension to an existing study about improving our understanding of the experience of waiting for care.
We held a webinar to mark the launch of the report on 24 July 2020. Link to recording on our YouTube channel: The Doctor Will Zoom You Now – Getting the most out of the virtual health and care experience.
Other related documents available to read include:
The Dr Will Zoom You Now Top Tips
Easy read: How to make health appointments on your computer or phone better
Activity Map – The Dr Will Zoom You Now Webinar
The Dr Will Zoom You Now Webinar Chat Themes
Questions and Answers – The Dr Will Zoom You Now Webinar
If you would like to read any of the above resources in an alternative format, please get in touch.