Working with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector
- National Voices’ Conference on ICSs
- Integrated care
This document outlines and expands upon the key pieces of advice for Integrated Care System Leaders:
- Partner with us, we can help you
- Put people and communities first
- Value us, and our ways of working
- Communicate clearly, and openly
Our sector leaders look forward to working with you. We hope this document will help!
National Voices would like to thank the University of Birmingham, the Policy Innovation and Research Unit, and NHS England, for their generous support in organising and resourcing our conference on ICSs.
For more detailed guidance on VCSE partnerships and ICSs, please see:
During ICS establishment and implementation, NHS England has supported the development of system VCSE alliances or similar groups to work in partnership with ICSs. If you would like more information on these partnerships in your area, please contact: england.voluntarypartnerships@nhs.net
If you would like to read this document in an alternative format, please get in touch.