Life Sciences Strategy and implementing the Accelerated Access Review
- Communication and administration
- Lived experience
- Person-centred care
At that meeting it was agreed that National Voices would coordinate a joint paper to the Office for Life Sciences summarising key themes for the implementation of the Accelerated Access Review and the forthcoming Life Sciences Strategy.
The paper covers overarching matters of access and innovation, priorities for the proposed Accelerated Access Partnership, and mechanisms for the representation of the views of patients on the Accelerated Access Partnership
Involving patients and citizens: I Statements for research and innovation
The Accelerated Access Review was established to speed up access to innovative products for NHS patients. National Voices was invited to provide advice on how patients and citizens should be involved, and Hilary Newiss, chair of National Voices, acted as patient champion in the review.
As part of the Accelerated Access review, National Voices published ‘Involving patients and citizens: I statements for research and innovation.’ The document sets out patient and citizen expectations, and can be used by those involved in research and innovation to help meet these expectations. They set a standard for what ‘good’ looks and feels like.
If you would like to read this report in an alternative format, please get in touch.
Authored and supported by: Action Duchenne, Breast Cancer Now, Cancer52, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Diabetes UK, Digital Health & Care Alliance, Genetic Alliance UK, Kidney Research UK, National Voices, Parkinson’s UK, Prostate Cancer UK, and the Tuberous Sclerosis Association.